Alabama Hills, Bristlecone & Mono Lake
4-night Milky Way Workshop
Alabama Hills
Bristlecone Pine & Mono Lake
Milky Way Workshop
WHEN: JULY 21st through 25th, 2021
WHERE: Mobius Arch in Alabama Hills, Bristlecone Pines near Bishop and two nights at Mono Lake
WHO: Photographers of all skill levels!

The hike to the Bristlecone is short - very short - but up at 10,000 feet above sea level and can be tiring still. We take it easy and hike it slow. The hike to Mobius Arch is just a simple walk up and down some small hills with a few unknown walks at Mono Lake. If you can handle walking on uneven terrain for half a mile, you will do fine!
Snacks & Drinks while on-site doing Photography
Personal instruction at the camera, critique sessions
Post-processing sessions during the day

Transportation to Alabama Hills
Hotel Accommodation
Travel insurance and personal equipment
Alcohol and soft drinks, laundry
    Deposit of $950 is due at registration with the remaining $850 due by June 21st.
    : NO REFUNDS! If you miss the date you have the option of applying your tuition fees to another workshop. Be very certain you are able to come before registering!
Four Nights of Milky Way Photography
NOTE: If clouds cause any problems we will move locations or add Landscape Photography to the plans to make the best use of our time.
  • Day 1: Everyone makes their way to the Lone Pine, California area to meet as a group for Dinner before heading in to Alabama Hills. (Very possible everyone brings takeout)
  • 6pm-7pm Group Dinner and set goals for the workshop.
  • ​Head to Alabama Hills around 7pm to get there before sunset and get into position with some daylight.
  • ​9:37pm to 2:16am MILKY WAY at Mobius Arch
  • Moonrise at 1:34am
  • Day 2: Sleep in late and meet for lunch/breakfast at 1pm.
  • 1pm-2pm Group breakfast/lunch.
  • 2pm-5pm Head to Big Pine or Bishop. Get checked in to your hotel or AirBNB of choice.
  • 6pm-7pm Group Dinner at Copper Top BBQ. 
  • ​Head to the Bristlecone Pines while we have some daylight in our drive.
  • ​9:36pm to 2:12am MILKY WAY at Bristlecone Pine
  • Moonrise at 2:14am
  • Day 3: Sleep in late and meet for lunch/breakfast at 1pm.
  • 1pm-2pm Group breakfast/lunch.
  • 2pm-5pm Head to your your hotel or AirBNB of choice at either Bishop, Mammoth or Bridgeport. (Most hotel options in those locations.)
  • 5pm-6pm Group Dinner at TBD. 
  • 7pm Meet at Mono Lake.
  • ​9:44pm to 2:06am MILKY WAY at Mono Lake
  • Moonrise at 3am
  • Day 4: Sleep in late and meet for lunch/breakfast at 1pm.
  • 1pm-2pm Group breakfast/lunch.
  • 2pm-5pm Post-Processing session to edit an image or two from the week.
  • 5pm-6pm Group Dinner at TBD. 
  • 7pm Meet at Mono Lake.
  • ​9:42pm to 2:02am MILKY WAY at Mono Lake
  • Moonrise at 3:54am
  • Day 1: Everyone makes their way to the Lone Pine, California area to meet as a group for Dinner before heading in to Alabama Hills. (Very possible everyone brings takeout)
  • 6pm-7pm Group Dinner and set goals for the workshop.
  • ​Head to Alabama Hills around 7pm to get there before sunset and get into position with some daylight.
  • ​9:37pm to 2:16am MILKY WAY at Mobius Arch
  • Moonrise at 1:34am
  • Day 2: Sleep in late and meet for lunch/breakfast at 1pm.
  • 1pm-2pm Group breakfast/lunch.
  • 2pm-5pm Head to Big Pine or Bishop. Get checked in to your hotel or AirBNB of choice.
  • 6pm-7pm Group Dinner at Copper Top BBQ. 
  • ​Head to the Bristlecone Pines while we have some daylight in our drive.
  • ​9:36pm to 2:12am MILKY WAY at Bristlecone Pine
  • Moonrise at 2:14am
  • Day 3: Sleep in late and meet for lunch/breakfast at 1pm.
  • 1pm-2pm Group breakfast/lunch.
  • 2pm-5pm Head to your your hotel or AirBNB of choice at either Bishop, Mammoth or Bridgeport. (Most hotel options in those locations.)
  • 5pm-6pm Group Dinner at TBD. 
  • 7pm Meet at Mono Lake.
  • ​9:44pm to 2:06am MILKY WAY at Mono Lake
  • Moonrise at 3am
  • Day 4: Sleep in late and meet for lunch/breakfast at 1pm.
  • 1pm-2pm Group breakfast/lunch.
  • 2pm-5pm Post-Processing session to edit an image or two from the week.
  • 5pm-6pm Group Dinner at TBD. 
  • 7pm Meet at Mono Lake.
  • ​9:42pm to 2:02am MILKY WAY at Mono Lake
  • Moonrise at 3:54am
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you bring?
Milky Way Photography is awesome but it can be VERY COLD depending on the location, so come ready for it!

This is what we recommend to take with you:
  • Camera with manual mode 
  • Lenses you need are anything from 8mm-50mm and with the largest aperture possible! f1.2 to f3.5 are great options! Bring your 50mm, and anything else you would like. Telephoto lens gigapanos can be great! Just don't forget your widest and largest aperture lenses at home!
  • Sturdy Tripod (REQUIRED!) make sure it is STURDY enough
  • L-Bracket (Optional) - Best for Panorama and switching orientation 
  • Focusing Aid (Carson Lumiloupe:
  • Batteries – Fully charged and at least 2 per night!
  • Memory Cards – minimum 2 cards of 32GB each
  • Head lamp (red lamps are not required anymore)
  • Really Warm outdoor clothing for staying warm during the coldest hours of night and standing in the wind!
  • Gloves
  • ​Water Proof jacket & Pants
  • Laptop (OPTIONAL) for post-processing (Lightroom & Photoshop)
Flying, Driving & Hotels?
Flying in? Driving?
Getting TO Alabama Hills is entirely up to you. This is going to be a driving workshop that is definitely a bit off the beaten path in California but easy to get to as well. You can fly in to Las Vegas or even better Bakersfield and make the drive to Alabama Hills.
The nearest city to Alabama Hills is the tiny town of Lone Pine. shows ONE motel with options for August 16th & 17th but when you check the surrounding area there are options to be found in Independence, Grant and Panamint Springs. Which you choose to go with is ENTIRELY up to you as well. Lastly, AIRBNB showed several options both in Lone Pine and Independence.
Loads of options! I don't know of any personally but a cursory google search shows that there are MANY options. I personally will be staying in my truck. Should the temperature and bug situation be amenable I will sleep in the bed of my truck rental. Otherwise I will be tucked in nicely in the backseat of the vehicle. Not suffering too bad. Hope you have a good option you can come with as well!
Need Help? Contact me at:
Aaron King
Reserve your spot with PayPal
Or enter your information below to use a Credit Card
4-Night Alabama Hills, Bristlecone Pine & Mono Lake Milky Way Workshop
You are buying a FOUR-NIGHT Milky Way Workshop that includes:
  • Snacks & Drinks while on-site doing Photography
  • Personal instruction at the camera, critique sessions and post processing sessions during the day while we wait for night to do Milky Way Photography
  • Four Nights Hotel Accommodation
  • Flights to and from workshop
  • Transportation to Alabama Hills and other locations
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